

Myself Shweta I am a teen girl here provide escort service to the individuals and complete all the sexual desires of them. After meeting me, you will not feel like you are meeting me for the first time because I used to talk like this to my clients that they became frank with me and this seems like we know each other for a long time This is the thing that makes the client open in front of us and talks to as well. And for Goa Adult Escort Service you can call me any time in our organization My service is always open to you people because you know a teen girl is filled with full of lust and I just can’t wait anymore to stay with you guys, so call me whenever you want to stay with me.

Age : Details
Location : Panjim
Fig  : 36-24-35
Hair and Eyes: Black
Height: 5’8″
Language: English , Hindi
Occupation: Escort
Hobbies: Modeling  
Time Period Price
1 hour 15,000
2 hour 25,00
Full Night 45,000