

Goa is the most popular of places to visit, energetic and enthusiastic men want intimate and colorful fun here. If you are looking for such erotic and romantic dating escorts services in Goa then you are in the right place. So Hello friends my name is Nikita. I am teen Escorts Girls in Goa. I am 17 year old. I have lot of experience for you. I am the most beautiful escort’s girl in Goa and I give my customers the most adorable escort’s services. You can book me anytime and anywhere in Goa. I can fully satisfy your lust. Just give me a chance to serve you once. You will again wish to get my service again.

Age : 18
Location : Bardez Goa
Fig  : 31-24-34
Hair and Eyes: Brown , Black
Height: 5`8
Language: English , Hindi , Punjabi
Occupation: Model Teen Escort
Hobbies: Acting , Dancing
Time Period Price / Rate
1 hour 10,000
2 hour 20,00
Full Night 35,000