

I am Miley Russian girl I came Goa to spend my vacation but the beauty of Goa attract me and I stay here permanently. To earn good amount of money I join a Goa Escorts agency and offer my best services in Goa. This is my profile page on this page you read many things about me so it if you want to book Russian Escorts in Goa. In my agency, you find all the famous category of call girls so if you want to take service through real Russian girls than contact to our Goa Call girls agency and demand for booking Russian Call Girls in Goa. You can also contact me to enjoying my naughty services I do all those things which you want through your partner. I also give some special treatment to my client that’s why I am very famous in Goa so contact me immediately.

Age : 22
Location : Arambol
Fig  : 36-25-34
Hair and Eyes: Brown & Black
Height: 5’7″
Language: Russian , English
Occupation: Model
Hobbies: Fishing
Time Period Price
1 hour 15,000
2 hour 25,000
Full Night 35,000