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Hello Guys, welcome to Goa Escorts. I am Chamiya. I am Slim Call Girl In Goa. I am very cute and sexy. I am your imagination escort girl, which can satisfy your lust completely. I am one of the most loved call girls in Goa who can fulfill your every kind of exciting fantasy. If you want to find my love and want to romance with me then go to my profile and contact me. Generalize my service for everyone and influence my customers. I am giving sexuality to those who overcome everyday tiredness of the people and help them to become cheerful.

Age : 22
Location : Tiswadi
Fig  : 33-24-35
Hair and Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’7″
Language: English
Occupation: Gym Trainer
Hobbies: Dating
Time Price / Rate
1 hour 15,000
2 hour 25,00
Full Night 42,000