
Amanda is a Russian Model who born in August of 1995, which explains why sex is important to us. Her blowjob skills are mind-blowing and take her on the top level. Her skill makes her popular and one of the top Call Girl in Goa agency. She have the prettiest face in all agency and clients love to throw cum shot on her face. She just completed her college study and join us because she love this work. She has the hunger for money to earn more money ata short time. She was a great cheerleader in her college days and still have this talent. She has a perfect athlete body. Fit and stretchable girl with perfect body. Hire her via Russian Escort, the most demand category of our Goa Escort. This 23 years fucking hot girl is only available here.

Age : 23
Location : Chimbel
Fig  : 36-24-34
Hair and Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’8″ 
Language: English  
Occupation: College Girl
Hobbies:   Photography
Time Period Price
1 hour 15,000
2 hour 25,000
Full Night 50,000